Contains my rants or raves about different things. Photography,watching movies, unique watches, computers, cars, Java both the language and the drink, Open Source Software and gadgets of all sorts are my passions. Blog was called "Mallu (Grum/Mum)blings" for a while.
Which camera do u use?
Nice pics....
I use a Nikon Coolpix 4500 4MP camera.
splendid!!fabulous!!!simply superb
Baby feet are adorable.
The picture has come out very well, the black & white tone (excluding the ring) is adding to the effect.
i wanna do that.... thats so cool!! is SO precious... so fragile... am completely speechless when trying to find i shall stop fumbling... ..when i was that small. my dad said he wanted to eat thsoe toes... they looked so i guess all parents are like that!!
Grafx ..thats funny you said that as pretty much everyone around SVR and his son were holding the kid and playing with his cheeks,hands, hair, feet :-). And of course I had to get a picture :-). I didnt want to go the cliched way of big hands and little hands so the feet.
By the way Kalpaka is one of my favourite restaurants as well. I am related to the owners and usually get food from there for Onam and otherwise as well.
Hey cool..... so in case I need some discount on the food, I can always count on u.... isn't it????
the snap conveyed and evoked so many emotions wht would have taken a hundred words to achieve! nice one, sushil.
A tiny step of faith...conveyed so well.
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